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Skills House Role in Research

At Skills House, we offer research services to local and international organisations. We are a group of professional investigators passionate about designing quantitative and qualitative studies, collect and analyzing secondary and primary data and, providing insights to support businesses, governmental and non-governmental organisations to make decisions based on evidence collected from real humans.
Research is important for any organization to remain competitive in the market. The top function of research is to provide recommendations based on evidence to make smart decisions. With the help of surveys, interviews and focus group discussions, an organization can analyze the preferences of its target consumers.
Our Services

1. Identifying Research Participants
The breadth of our networks and connections enable us to find the right participants according to the target age, gender, income, religion, geographical region and marital status.
We can help further by identifying participants based on particular behaviors, such as shopping and other activities, as well as medical conditions, such as diabetes.
In order to target a very narrow group, we identify and sample every person who meets the sample criteria.

2. Designing Questionnaires
Our well-designed questionnaire meets certain research objectives. The surveys are designed to provide questions that offer insights and better understanding. Our questionnaire designer ensures that respondents fully understand the questions and are not likely to refuse to answer, lie to the interviewer or try to conceal their attitudes. Furthermore, our questionnaires are organised and worded to encourage respondents to provide accurate, unbiased and complete information.
We also design our questionnaire in such a manner that it is easy for our respondents to give the necessary information and for the interviewer to record the answer. We value our respondent(s) time so keeping the interview brief and short is important to us so that the respondent(s) remain interested throughout the interview.

3. Carrying out in-depth interviews
Our goal in carrying out in-depth interviews is to explore a respondent’s point of view, experiences, feelings, and perspectives. Steps Involved in Conducting in-depth Interviews
1. Developing a sampling strategy (Whose attitudes and beliefs matter to your research, and how will you find these people?).
2. Writing an in-depth interview guide.
3. Conducting the interviews.
4. Analyzing the data.

4. Focus Group Discussion
A focus group discussion is a qualitative approach to gain an in-depth understanding of social issues. The method aims to obtain data from a purposely-selected group of individuals rather than from a statistically representative sample of a broader population.
Focus group discussion is useful for:
- Providing a diverse set of responses based on profiles of participants.
- Confirming insights obtained from other methodologies
- Collecting data in a cost effective and efficient way.
- Reducing costs of multiple data collection sessions.
- Collecting a rich amount of data.